Rahman Dental Clinic is one of the most preferred cosmetic dentistry destination in India. It has earned this reputation because of constant hard work & vision of its dentist, Dr. Atiq-ur-Rahman & Dr. Mahvish Rahman. The clinic functions on the concept of providing expertise of the various specialists in dental surgery to provide the top most dental care to the patients. We specialize in all the basic & latest dental procedures for smile correction & smile designing in New Delhi with procedures including teeth whitening including Zoom-AP, Porcelain veneers, gap closures, fixed teeth replacement, tooth colored bondings, instant smile makeovers with componeers, laser gummy smile correction, metal free crowns/bridges,ceramic inlays to replace ugly metal fillings,” jetting out” teeth correction, fluorosis affected teeth correction, dental jewellery (crystals) etc.
SMILE MAKEOVER : - These procedures are successfully carried out at Rahman Dental Clinic. It has earned this reputation because of constant hard work & vision of its chief cosmetic dentist, Dr. Atiq-ur-Rahman & Dr. Mahvish Rahman . Our patients are served the best and we focus on creating their new smiles according to their requirements. We specialize in all the basic & latest dental procedures for smile correction & smile designing in New Delhi with procedures including teeth whitening including Zoom-AP, Porcelain veneers, metal free crowns, bridges, instant smile makeovers, gummy smile corrections, teeth correction, dental jewelry (crystals) etc. Most of the individuals in the modern times focus on the aesthetics of dental treatment in comparison to the functionality of their teeth. This makes it important to consistently deliver aesthetics in the results of every dental treatment along with the improvement in the functionality of the teeth in the patients. One of the best features of the smile makeover niche is that it allows the patient to have a role in deciding several aspects in the treatment. There is a constant participation of the patient in the treatment to ensure high patient satisfaction concerning the dental treatment.There are different types of dental procedures which fall under the major category of smile makeover. At Rahman Dental Clinic, we focus on the patient’s requirements which respect to their expectations with the particular dental treatment results. This makes patients satisfied with their dental procedures related to the smile makeover. Cosmetic dentistry has the solution for improving the smiles of the patients from several aspects irrespective of their dental problem and status of their dental health and aesthetics. So, you can see that smile makeover provides a broad range of solutions for the dental patients who are seeking to solve their smile issues as well as enhance their teeth functioning at the same time. With the increasing advancements in different segments of smile makeover, now you can choose from these smile makeover solutions to get the desired treatment needs and results. This provides ease of communication and increased value of time.
Thus, we serve our patients in the best way depending on their dental requirements from time to time.
Gapped teeth are considered to be the most common problem these days, especially among people who have habit of chewing pen cap. Besides, people who had the habit of sucking their thumb in childhood may also experience gapped teeth in adulthood. Moreover, the age factor and genetic factor also plays a crucial role in causing space between teeth. Fortunately, there are several treatments available in the dentistry world that can eliminate the gap between your teeth and help you to get back the confident smile again. If you also have gap teeth, then it is the time to opt for gap closures offered by Rahman Dental Clinic. This procedure is considered to be the best cosmetic dentistry technique that not only eliminate the space between the teeth, but also enhance the look of your teeth. We also offer gap closures with Porcelain Veneers. This technique is quite effective and helps the patients to get perfect smile. We utilize crowns/veneers to fill the vacant space between the teeth and they are used in such a way that it looks real. People with large spaces between teeth may opt for this treatment which may help them to get perfect smile on their face. The type of Veneers we will use for the treatment depends upon the condition and spaces of the teeth. Porcelain veneers are stain resistant & are stronger and durable than composite veneers. We use both porcelain and composite veneers.
No matter which technique of gap closure is used for treating gaps between the teeth, but we always recommend our patients to take utmost care after the treatment to maintain the effectiveness of the procedure. We at our smile design centre help you to achieve that perfect Hollywood smile. Do visit Rahman Dental Clinic in New Delhi for top end cosmetic dentistry.
The tooth become weak enough when it starts decaying and the resulting cavity need to be filled immediately so as to prevent the decay and to get back the optimal chewing function. Different types of materials are used to create fillings. Fillings are considered to be the ultimate treatment for tooth decay and also to restore the damaged tooth. Today cosmetic fillings are executed by dentists both for aesthetic reasons and for better oral health. Cosmetic filling is a type do dental procedure where a material like composite white filling is used so that the decayed tooth can be treated. This material is inserted into the tooth by dentists so as to prevent the decay from spreading and to repair the damages.
Cosmetic fillings are the ultimate treatment to stop the decay from spreading into root which may cause infection later. After the advent of cosmetic fillings, the need of tooth extraction is eliminated. There are different types of material that are used for fillings: Fluoride (white) fillings and composite tooth-colored fillings.
Flouride fillings are done in deeper cavities & being adhesive in nature, helps to stick on the teeth.They are white in colour.
The composite tooth colored filling which is a synthetic combination of glass and acrylic resin and it is white in color, thus it amalgamates perfectly with the natural color of the tooth. This filling is mainly offered to patients who are quite concern about their looks and want to have fillings that can amalgamate with the natural color of their tooth.
Composite white filling is mainly popular for white color that amalgamates with the natural color of the tooth easily. Moreover, it is quite safe and secure to use and your oral health is not hampered by this type of filling.
In composite white fillings the procedure is similar because drilling is done to make small opening in the affected tooth so that fillings can inserted. The only different between these two is that in composite filling the dentists will give a final polish so as to make sure that the tooth is clean and amalgamate well with rest of the teeth. So, if you are looking affordable and optimal cosmetic fillings, then approach us at Rahman Dental Clinic. We will be happy to serve you with our world class services and products. With the best fillings specialists at their clinic, will surely help you in your dental fillings needs.
Firstly, the dentists will create marks on the teeth of the patients with the help of which they are get better idea about the shaping process.
Secondly, the surface of the teeth will be shaped with the help of air turbine drills and during this session the enamel will be shaped gradually.
Thirdly, the dentists may use abrasive strips as sanding tool between the teeth.
At last, the dentists will polish and make the surface smooth than ever before so as to make your teeth look perfect.
Teeth can be in improper position in the dental arch in various ways. Front teeth can be flaring outwards, also called ‘jetting out’ .The cause of such condition can be due to periodontal disease (loosening of gums) or dental malocclusion. Such condition can be treated by orthodontic therapy if patient factors such as treatment span (1-2 years), oral hygiene, age and bone condition permit. If not orthodontics, smile designing can be done using a combination of aesthetic crowns, veneers and bridges. The advantage of this strategy is the time period as it can be done in any age. The teeth are prepared in such a manner that they receive the crowns and veneers of proper shape, giving an ideal alignment to the arch and a natural look that suits best to the patient. If there is chance of pulp exposure (nerve of tooth) during preparation is anticipated, an intentional root canal treatment(RCT) is done before hand.
In other condition compromising aesthetics, jaw bones can also be at improper position (skeletal malocclusion), with teeth either in normal position or abnormally placed. Hence, the condition can be either due to skeletal reason or both skeletal and dental reason which can be judged with the help of radiographic examination along with study models. If just skeletal, orthodontics is the only right choice of treatment. A dental malocclusion superimposed on skeletal one can be treated by just orthodontics, provided if patient factors permit or by crowns and veneers as discussed above. Sometimes, a combination of orthodontic treatment along with crowns and veneers can also be done as per requirement
Though there are many treatments available to help patients to preserve their infected and decayed teeth, but the most advanced and painless treatment to treat infected teeth is Painless Root Canal Treatment or RCT. Painless Root Canal Treatment is procedure that is mainly executed by dentists to remove the pulp tissues from the decayed or infected teeth. This treatment procedure is very effective and painless. This treatment is like a boon for dental patients because previously there was no option left for patients with decayed or infected teeth rather than removing it. After the advent on painless Root Canal Treatment now patients can treat their infected teeth without removing them.
Patients with throbbing pain in their tooth, especially during the night while sleeping.
Patients having sensation while having cold or hot drinks or food.
Patients with swelling in their jawbone or around the gums.
When infected or decayed tooth is left untreated, then the infection may spread into the substance of tooth which may further infect the pulp. If the pulp of the patient becomes infected, then it starts degenerating. Alike all other infection, there is a formation of pus-pocket in this condition at the tip of the roots within your jawbone, which is known as abscess. So, the patients will experience severe pain and swelling because of this abscess which may further affect the jawbone as well. So, painless Root Canal Treatment is quite essential to treat the condition.
This treatment procedure demands several visits to clinic as it cannot be accomplished in a single clinic visit. To suppress the sensation of pain during drilling, the dentists apply local anesthesia prior to treatment. We at Rahmman Dental Clinic offer painless Root canal Treatment at an affordable rate and also offer post surgery services so as to help patients to take precautionary measures after treatment to protect their tooth from damages and further infections.

Not everybody is born with aligned or straight teeth, some may have crooked teeth which are mainly visible when they smile or open their mouth. Fortunately, in modern dentistry there are several effective options available that can correct crooked or misaligned teeth. But, the method for correcting the crooked teeth greatly depends on the degree of misalignment and affordability. The modern dentistry has managed all types of misalignment and crooked teeth can be treated without any surgical procedure now. Due to advancement in dentistry, Rahman Dental Clinic has managed to add new products and new crooked teeth correction procedures so as to make the process of correct faster and easier than ever before.
BRACES : - These are mainly consisted of ceramic, plastic or metal brackets that are fixed by the dentists in front of the teeth. These brackets are mainly glued to hold the wire in place which is typically shaped to an optimal contour by the dentists. In due course, the wire keep on shifting the teeth in place, thus your crooked teeth are corrected. You need to visit the dental clinic once in a month so as to make the wire tightened. Out of these three brackets, the dentist always prefers to use ceramic brackets because of its transparent color it is hardly noticeable. Besides, the ceramic brackets usually amalgamate with the natural color of the teeth. After the braces are removed, the patients need to wear a retainer for few months so as to prevent the teeth from shifting.
INVISALIGN : - It is the latest invention in cosmetic dentistry. It is a series of detachable, transparent and plastic aligners that can easily tighten the teeth in place. But, this procedure may not work well in severe cases.
ACCELERATED ORTHODONTICS : - Patients who desire to have immediate result without much pain then accelerated orthodontics would be the best solution for them. By combining two procedures together (periodontic and orthodontic) the dentists will help you to get back the beautiful smile once again. This procedure requires 6 months to align the teeth in place. But, the patient needs to wear lingual braces in the course time. In case time is a constraint for you,we also use porcelain veneers to correct the crooked teeth. Though this procedure is quite time consuming, but it will help you to get both straighter and whiter teeth than ever before. Besides, we also offer teeth reshaping and contouring to treat crooked teeth. This process is also very effective to get back straight teeth once again. This process also helps the patients to get whiter teeth.
Everyone desires to have shiny and bright teeth. People with discolored teeth often loose some great opportunities in their life and also lack in confidence. The bright and shiny teeth surely increase the confidence level as well as your personality. So, people always try different methods to keep their teeth white and bright. But these methods of teeth whitening never provide a guarantee and total safety to your teeth. However, to address such issues Rahman dental clinic has many options for teeth whitening which suits the pocket of everyone.
If you’re looking for an alternative to professional bleaching in a dental office, then do-it-yourself at-home whitening might be right for you. There are options available for every budget and temperament – whether professionally dispensed, store-bought or sold on the Internet. Many teeth whiteners are pre-mixed and ready to use; others require mixing at home.We use Philips Day White & Night White bleaching gels system for DIY at Home .
Give your patients noticeably whiter results in minimal time with Philips Zoom QuickPro whitening varnish. QuickPro is the first dual-layer whitening varnish technology, offering a noticeably whiter smile in just one in-office application. After 30 minutes, the patient simply brushes or wipes off the varnish. It’s a fast, effective addition to a regular checkup, and for patients, the superior results can make all the difference.
ZOOM ADVANCED POWER (AP) INSTANT WHITENING : - It is a new and innovative technique for teeth whitening where white and bright teeth are guaranteed and within 45 minutes. The Zoom-AP Instant Whitening process offered by Rahman Dental Clinic can whiten your teeth in a single office visit because the entire process of teeth whitening consumes hardly 45 minutes to one hour. Sure shot results of at least 3-4 shades jump. The package ranges between 12,000 to 15,000/-INR depending upon the cycles needed to achieve a good shade. It also includes a maintenance tray & gel.
Is there any defect in your tooth due to which you can have the confident and perfect smile? Fortunately, there are several options available in dentistry that is designed to correct the imperfections of the teeth without any pain. Among all other procedures the most widely and commonly used procedure is Cosmetic Contouring & Polishing. This is a cosmetic dental procedure where the defected tooth is reshaped and polished to remove the imperfections and to offer a beautiful looking smile once again. This treatment is quite effective, painless and also very quick (just 10-15 min) in comparison to other traditional methods.
This procedure is mainly employed by dentists to correct minor problems like reshaping of teeth, positioning of teeth, polishing of teeth and correcting the length of the teeth. Though there are many dentists who claim to offer effective result, but in order to achieve the best results possible you need to approach Rahman Dental Clinic we are equipped with well trained and expert professionals who specialize in cosmetic contouring and polishing.
Nowadays a number of individuals are opting for contemporary aesthetics for themselves. Tooth Crystal is one of the latest trends which has emerged successfully in the last few years. This shining crystal is an attractive feature which is prominently seen when an individual smiles. These days tooth crystals have become a part of the jewelry of young females. These crystals can be prominently seen in the front teeth. Therefore, this is the most preferred area for the same. One of the most common tooth for the tooth crystal is the second tooth from the front in the upper left and right quadrant.
Tooth crystal involves putting precious, semi-precious or metal crystals onto the teeth so that the teeth shine whenever you smile.The Jewel is stuck on the tooth with an adhesive substance used in dental practices.The best part of this latest aesthetic feature in cosmetic dentistry is that there is no drilling involved and the procedure is completely painless. The process of fixing a crystal just takes around 15-20 minutes. So, you need not hold much patience for this procedure.
It can last for a relatively long period if maintained properly. It makes the procedure worth the investment. Our cosmetic dental specialists will ensure that you get quality tooth crystal is placed over the teeth so that the aesthetic features are seen visibly when the patient smiles. If it gets loose unexpectedly, it can be re-attached without much hassle. The jewel is a tiny glass crystal with no sharp edges. If swallowed, it will come out naturally. So, you can see that there are almost no side effects of this new type of jewelry. Whenever you wish to remove your crystal, it can be taken off by a dentist.
Tooth Crystals are now available in different colors too. They are available as blue crystals and sapphire white colors. The later one is in more demand yet the former one is an upcoming choice of increasing number of individuals. So, you can see that not only you will be able to choose the tooth crystal but also the color of the crystals according to your choice. It is always recommended to get dental cleaning procedures done even if you have the crystal fixed on your tooth. The tooth crystal is dealt in a soft manner to avoid its removal. We ensure that you have pleasant experiences with your tooth crystal placement procedure and stay happy with it for an appreciable time period.
Intrinsic staining of the teeth, unlike extrinsic stains, can’t be treated with bleaching. Various causes of such discolouration can be any disturbance in normal tooth structure formation, like trauma, excess fluoride intake , taking medication (esp. tetracycline), vitamin deficiency or any hereditary disorder (eg: amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta, and other developmental disorders).
Fluorosis of teeth occurs due to excessive intake of fluoride when tooth is getting calcified. Depending on severity, it affects both shape and colour of the teeth, hence compromising the cosmetics. Trauma to the developing tooth bud can cause hypoplastic defect which appears white in colour. Tetracycline stains and developmental disorders also produce characteristic staining and latter also cause changes in shape of teeth making them more prone to dental caries.
Treatment required for any of such condition depends on the severity of the discolouration and need to restore back the form of the tooth. Usually, microabrasion and macroabrasion do not provide satisfactory results in badly discoloured teeth which make patients conscious.
A definite treatment involves a partial coverage (veneers) or full coverage (crowns) of teeth with tooth coloured material. Crowns being more retentive than veneers because of the more surface area covered and the grip they take over the tooth, can be made of either entirely of the most aesthetic material, porcelain (hence, metal free crowns) or porcelain fused to metal (PFM crowns). However, veneers have to be made up entirely of either composite or porcelain.
Before starting the fabrication of crowns and veneers, the teeth requiring the treatment are prepared. Slight tooth structure is removed from all around the tooth if crown, and just from the visible outer surface (labial /buccal) in case of veneer.
Both kind of crowns and porcelain veneers are made and processed in the dental laboratories using replica model of the patient’s prepared tooth/teeth, hence requiring more than single visit to the dental clinic. In case of PFM crowns, the base of the crown is formed by an inert alloy material, over which a layer of porcelain is placed and fused to underlying metal alloy at high temperature, hence making the crown looking natural. While, the metal free crowns are computer aided designed and machined in the laboratory out of the porcelain block, using the duplicate model of the tooth. After the crowns are obtained from the laboratory, the can be properly fitted on the patients prepared teeth using bonding and cementation. Porcelain veneers are also prepared in the same way as pure porcelain crowns, just that they cover lesser surface area of teeth. However, composite veneers can be done in single sitting of the treatment as they can be directly fabricated and bonded over the prepared teeth surfaces in dental office, then skipping the lab work.